b'Volunteer Work PartyVolunteeringGet Involved! Volunteer your time & talents in 2022 to support City events and projects! Volunteer Opportunities Sammamish StewardsOne-time or ongoing opportunities areThe Sammamish Stewards preserve, protect available to fit your schedule. Volunteeringand promote the natural environment within is a great way to connect with communitythe City of Sammamish. The Sammamish members and make a difference where youStewards are a volunteer group of community live. Please visit sammamish.galaxydigital. members actively involved in many areas com for details on opportunities in theof environmental work. More info is community, ability connect with otheravailableat the Sammamish Stewardship volunteers and an account to keep track ofwebsite. For specific details, please your data
[email protected]. Adopt A Storm Water PondOur volunteer program is designed to bringStormwater Stewards work to promoteInterested in adopting a storm water pond in volunteers and staff together to assurenative plants around select stormwateryour community? Please contact Sebastian the success of City programs and services.ponds. Ritacco at
[email protected] provide valuable support andNative Plant Stewards employ assistance to the public in a variety ofrestoration strategies to enhance nativeAdopt A Roadprograms and services throughout manyplant communities in partnership with City Departments. If your organization wouldthe Washington Native Plant Society. Interested in adopting a road in your like to volunteer as a group, please contactWildlife Habitat Stewards educate thecommunity? Please contact Summer Stumpf Sebastian
[email protected] to improve wildlife habitatat
[email protected] Summer
[email protected] partnership with the National Wildlife to set up a group volunteer opportunity. Federation. Walking Tour Guidesammamish.galaxydigital.com of Restoration SitesStewards and volunteers have collaborated with the City of Sammamish, the Washington Native Plant Society and other regional partners to restore and conserve native plant Park Projects communities in forests and stormwater sites throughout the area. We invite you to embark There are a variety of volunteeron a self-directed walking tour to learn more projects happening in parksabout what your community members are around Sammamish. Tasksdoing to support local ecosystems! These can includenative plantings,sites are undergoing active restoration so trail building, wetland andplease stay on the trails! stream restoration, invasivesammamish.us/media/57845/management and storm cleanup. sammamish-walking-tour-of-restoration-sites.pdfsammamish.us/community-involvement/volunteer/ sammamish.usSammamish Parks and Recreation Guide5'